Who’s Fearful Now?

Imagine being verbally assaulted because of your skin color. This happened earlier this week to a person of color in Idaho Falls. He said: “Every day I go to work, I am scared.”

Following the lead of our president, the Idaho Legislature seems dedicated to the proposition that all Idaho Citizens should be afraid of something.

Rep. Jordan Redman, R-Coeur d’Alene, proposes that Idaho make E-Verify mandatory for all workers. If employers do not comply, they could lose their business licenses. Has anyone considered the consequences of increasing the state’s responsibility to monitor employment? For example, approximately 50% of workers in the dairy industry are undocumented. If we send these workers home, how much will you pay for a gallon of milk? Let us scare employers and their workers with threatened bureaucratic bullying.

A memorial requesting the repeal of gay marriage. The House recently chose to inform the nation by voting 46-24 that they reject the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold marriage equality. It seeks to “restore the natural definition of marriage, a union of one man and one woman.” Let us put the fear into families who have lived productive and happy lives with the people they love.

Medicaid repeal. It might better be titled “How 90,000 Hard Working Idahoans Can No Longer Afford to See a Doctor” act. We are informed that not ending or drastically amending expanded Medicaid will break the budget despite the program’s six years of positive results. Do you worry about your medical care?

Speaker of the Idaho House Mike Moyle wants to cut income taxes. This is estimated to cost the State $253 million in revenue. We are told that Medicaid and other social programs are out of control, even though there’s no evidence that’s the case. Do you worry about a world where the rich benefit while the rest suffer?

Restricting our initiative rights. In 2018, 61% of Idaho Voters approved Medicaid expansion. In 2024, 80% rejected changes to voting rules. The system is already working. Restricting citizen-led initiative rights will make Idaho the toughest state in the nation when it comes to forcing lawmakers to listen to the people they serve. Another first for Idaho. Do you fear your voice will not be heard in Boise?

The House State Affairs Committee, which sent a “My Body, My Choice,” bill to the floor. The bill prohibits public officials from mandating masks or other face coverings to combat airborne illnesses. The hypocrisy in this legislation is mind-blowing. Government can dictate what a woman does with the rest of her body so long as she leaves her face free to the elements. Do you worry about how the government wants to control our bodies?

Who should be afraid in Idaho? Employers, workers they hire, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, women, and people who pay taxes. That is all of us! Overcoming fear requires action. How will you face yours?

Todd DeVries is a mental health professional in Idaho Falls. He is the state committeeman for the Bonneville County Democratic Central Committee.