As President Trump and his loyalists wreak havoc across the executive branch, I sense a common thread underlying the blitz of oft-illegal executive orders, clearly unqualified Cabinet appointments and the unwarranted firing of so many federal employees. It certainly is not to end “waste, fraud and abuse.”
The real reason is cupidity – these people’s desire for and love of money – and their lust for power that always seems to accompany such avarice.
Specifically, I would attribute the current chaos to: 1) Trump’s promise to reduce income taxes on all corporations and wealthy individuals, 2) promises of benefits made to large campaign donors, and 3) his desire for retribution focused on federal employees loyal to the Constitution and not a convicted felon.
On the international front, the President clearly desires access to rare earth minerals and fossil fuels well beyond our borders. He seems to care more about amassing material wealth for our country than addressing climate change or being a trusted ally among free nations.
For thousands of years, humans have cited money as the root of all things evil whether one refers to the Bible (1 Timothy 6:10) or oral traditions describing how greed leads to destruction. Love of money has been America’s particular character weakness for a long time, as noted in 1835 by famous French historian Alexis de Tocqueville in Democracy in America:
“No stigma attaches to the love of money in America, and provided it does not exceed the bounds imposed by public order, it is held in honor. The American will describe as noble and estimable ambition that our medieval ancestors would have called base cupidity. …I know of no other country where love of money has such a grip on men’s hearts…”
Love of money and power might also explain the apparent lack of courage to stand up to the Trump administration on the part of Congress. While many senators and representatives have held town hall events recently, where is our Idaho delegation? Given their seniority and powerful positions, both senators Crapo and Risch owe Idahoans an explanation:
- Why has Senator Risch, Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, been silent while President Trump has abandoned Ukraine on the world stage?
- Why has Senator Crapo, Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, not safeguarded our financial systems while allowing DOGE access to information databases across government?
The good news is that two former Democratic Congressmen, Rep. Richard Stallings (who served Idaho’s 2nd District from 1985-92) and Rep. Larry LaRocco (1st District from 1991-94) are stepping into the void to listen to anguished citizens. This duo is traveling across the state in coming weeks to allow all Idahoans a chance to express their views on our threatened democratic republic.
The Bonneville County Democratic Central Committee is hosting a Town Hall gathering this Saturday, March 1 to engage these two distinguished Democrats. This public event is on March 1, from 3:00-5:00 pm at the Eagle Rock Middle School Auditorium, 2020 Pancheri Dr, and admission is free.
Jan Brown is a retired nonprofit executive who is State Committeewoman for the Bonneville County Democrats and Region 7 Representative on the Idaho Democratic Party Executive Committee.