About the Bonneville County Democrats

We the Bonneville County Democratic Party Central Committee, are committed to the stewardship of a democratic society. Our actions are based on our faith in the people to create a government that serves in a fair and equitable manner. By acting for people now, we serve the future.

The mission of the Central Committee is to act in collaboration with diverse community organizations to promote the general welfare. As a part of the process of carrying out this mission, the Central Committee will seek out and help to elect candidates for public office who are committed to protecting and promoting the rights of the people and achieving workable, equitable solutions to problems.

Our Goals

  • To make government at all levels more responsive, more accountable, more transparent, and more cost-effective without sacrificing the constitutional rights of the people.
  • To build an economy that works for everyone.
  • To build an education system that helps all teachers and children succeed and that meets the standard set by the Idaho Constitution requiring “…the legislature of Idaho, to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools.”
  • To build vibrant communities based on a safe environment and affordable quality health care, including mental health care and necessary social services.
  • To strengthen our democratic institutions by insisting on honest government led by people of integrity.
  • To create a society in which all people are guaranteed equal civil rights regardless of their race, ethnicity, color, age, religion, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity/expression.
  • To foster a partnership between workers and private enterprise as equally essential elements of a strong, dynamic economy. We affirm the right of workers to organize, to bargain collectively, and to earn livable wages.
  • To support a strong defense of the nation and the members of the military who provide that defense. We recognize and accept society’s obligation to support and advocate for the individuals and the families of those on active duty, those in the reserves and National Guard, and those who are veterans.
  • To promote wise stewardship of Idaho’s natural resources, the wise conservation and use of public lands, and the rights of present and future generations to enjoy living in Idaho.

Current BCDCC Officers

  • Chair: Daniel Barker
  • Vice Chair: Miranda Marquit
  • Secretary: Annette Harker
  • Treasurer: John Conquergood
  • Young Democrat Representative: Sujata Gandhi
  • State Committeewoman: Janice Broan
  • State Committeeman: Todd DeVries
  • District 32 Chair: Cecile Pérez
  • District 33 Chair: Dennis Sutton
  • District 35 Chair: George Chandler

Other members of the Central Committee.

Download the Bonneville County Democratic Central Committee Bylaws

Meetings are held monthly, on the third Tuesday, at the Idaho Falls Public Library, at 7 p.m. For more information and an interactive calendar of events, see our Events page.