A bill recently introduced before the Idaho Legislature to greatly restrict Idaho’s citizen initiative process would in reality break a long-standing Idaho tradition allowing voters to directly influence how we govern ourselves. The bill is antidemocratic. On February 17, a record number Read More
On July 26, 1990, President George Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law. An iconic image from that time shows a group of demonstrators abandoning their wheelchairs and crawling up the steps of the U.S. Capitol. Their actions graphically Read More
Rumors out of Boise suggest that a priority on the Idaho Legislature’s 2021 agenda will be to disallow nonpartisan municipal elections. If true, candidates for city council and mayor in Idaho Falls would have to declare a party affiliation — Democrat, Republican, Read More
On Monday, we celebrate labor. But, on Tuesday, will we respect it? An historical alliance between organized labor and the Democratic Party seeks to protect workers from so-called right to work legislation, policies favoring private contract employment and the mistaken belief that Read More
I recently had an experience that started me thinking about what it means to be equal in our society. There is an auditory walk signal at the intersection of Broadway and Skyline. “Wow,” I exclaimed, “this is great.” As a blind person, Read More