When I work with money coaching clients, we don’t start by talking about money. We begin by discussing values. Too often, we don’t think about our values when making decisions. These exercises help identify inconsistencies in what you say you value and Read More
During the holiday season, which encompasses several holidays between Thanksgiving and the New Year, including Christmas, we often look for ways to serve our communities. As we reflect on the end of the year, we want to give back. And there are Read More
Thomas Jefferson argued that the American experiment would succeed only if the American Experiment to succeed. While I disagree with some of Jefferson’s ideas, I do like that he championed public education. He also believed that our system would do better with Read More
The real challenge of preserving the Republic is participation. Thomas Jefferson once offered the sentiment that an educated and engaged citizenry is required for a functional democracy. A representative republic falls under the umbrella of a democracy. And that’s the rub. If Read More
Lately, there’s been some hand-wringing when someone uses the term “extremist.” There are several definitions of extremist, but many of them agree that such a person holds beliefs outside what’s considered the “norm” for a population. The term also often denotes someone Read More
A presidential election year always gets a lot of attention. And while the presidential race is always a big deal, it can also feel frustrating. After all, depending on the makeup of your state, your vote at the top of the ticket Read More