Become A Precinct Captain

Precinct Captains are the backbone of our Party

Precinct Captains constitute the Board of Directors, or Central Committee for the local Democratic Party in Bonneville County. They are elected or appointed. Precinct Captains elect the Central Committee officers and the Legislative District Chairs that lead our efforts, and they are the ones that have a vote in deciding our planning, strategies, and activities locally.

What does a Precinct Captain do?

Currently we are experiencing large numbers of people moving in and out of our local neighborhoods, making it difficult to maintain accurate records, as a Precinct Captain we ask you to get to know your neighbors to help update our records of eligible voters in your neighborhood.

You may gather some ‘straw poll’ information from time to time as you talk with your neighbors. This involves some door-to-door canvassing and telephone time. We show you how, and it can be fun. You will learn who lives at each address, whether they’re registered to vote, what their ‘take’ is on the issues, and invite those interested to become more involved in Party activities. 

Precinct captains are voting members of the County Central Committee and direct our efforts. We need energetic people ready to help us improve Bonneville County with their involvement.

Who can be a Precinct Captain?

Precinct Captains must be a registered Democratic voter in the precinct they represent and have an interest and desire to serve.

I don’t know what to do.

Bonneville County Central Committee hosts precinct training classes where we will show you how to do a great job. All you need is a few hours a month, and your open, friendly personality.

How do I become a Precinct Captain?

Precinct Captains are either elected within their precinct during a general primary election, held in May on even-numbered years; or appointed during the interim. Either way, you start out by volunteering. Please email [email protected] to learn more.