Some of my favorite words in literature are from Eucharistic Prayer C of the Episcopal Church’s 1979 Book of Common Prayer, “This fragile earth, our island home.” In 1968 the first photograph of the earth from outside its orbit, “Earthrise,” was taken Read More
Idahoans are good people. This hit home on one of those hectic days (before the coronavirus) when it seemed as if everybody was shopping at once. My line had a logjam because an older lady in front of me couldn’t get her Read More
I grew up hearing my dad talk about the depression in South Dakota and how he and his seven older siblings faced real hunger. The photographs showing their ill-sized hand-me-downs and bare feet could easily have been taken by Dorothea Lange. My Read More
THIS WEEK – It’s all about encouraging the Senate to do the right thing and block the House’s extremist agenda. Here’s the info for our legislators: 1. Today the Senate State Affairs Committee passed two dangerous bills: HB500, which bans trans Read More
Idaho has a House of Representatives. The idea is that we elect legislators to go to Boise and they will, on our behalf, write and pass laws that reflect our values. So, as we look at what our so-called representatives are up Read More
ACTION ITEMS: We need your help to let the Senate know that the House’s extreme agenda doesn’t actually reflect our Idaho values. There’s a lot going on and WE NEED YOU to make your voices heard. 1. Support the Idaho Patient Act Read More