Growing up, I always had great respect for those in the medical profession. I knew that becoming a doctor or nurse was no easy task. Doctors and nurses go through years of school and training before they’re able to care for patients Read More
”However (political parties) may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and Read More
You may have been told that restrictive laws surrounding the right to vote in Idaho protect us from voter fraud. However, they actually thwart citizens from voting in elections they are eligible to vote in. Making the claim that we must protect Read More
As we celebrate our nation’s independence, one wonders how history might have been different if our founding parents said, “Why bother?” Imagine John Adams writing: “Abigail, I am coming home. These loyalists just don’t get it. Besides, we cannot defeat the British.” It Read More
Three years from now, our nation will celebrate the 250th anniversary of our Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. As we approach our 247th Fourth of July celebration this year, we should revisit the most familiar passage in the Declaration’s preamble: “We Read More
The waters have become so muddy over the years when trying to determine what the Idaho GOP stands for. The reality is that it isn’t easy to understand the vision or even to buy that one exists when looking at their efforts. Read More