Guess who was seated in the front row at the Trump inauguration? None other than the three richest men in the world: Mark Zuckerberg (net worth 211.8 billion), Jeff Bezos (239.4 billion), and Elon Musk (433.9 billion). Who gave a Nazi salute Read More
Lately, I am seeing more websites guiding corporate leaders on where to make wise business investments, insurance decisions, and plant relocations in view of climate-related disasters. Extreme weather events such as the wind-driven California fires are costing our country almost $150 billion Read More
I have been nominated for public office three times. As a candidate you learn much about yourself, and you really learn about what others think of you. There is never a shortage of people willing to tell you why you are awful. Read More
When I work with money coaching clients, we don’t start by talking about money. We begin by discussing values. Too often, we don’t think about our values when making decisions. These exercises help identify inconsistencies in what you say you value and Read More
The sting of November 5th is present and remains. Many feel a struggle to look forward and have an inability to develop a vision forward. in some cases, the devotion to serve and help create positive change has burned down to a Read More
‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through the land, the people are worried. Good Lord! What’s the plan? The billionaires lie sleeping all safe in their lairs, with visions of profits that soon will be theirs. By selling the country to Read More