Peace on Earth and goodwill to all. This time of year, you’ve probably heard that sentiment more than once. I am always amazed at the way people come together during the holidays. There are so many charitable drives, so many volunteers looking Read More
Inflation occurs when too much money chases too few goods. That is the condition — how does it happen? Too much money or too few goods? The popular myth is that inflation happens when governments and banks print too much money. Historically Read More
As we approach the end of another year, it’s common to look ahead. Some of us set goals or get excited about new projects. We think about what we want to focus on. Should we pay more attention to our health? Is Read More
This past week I read an article about the state of the Idaho foster care system. Those who know me understand that this is a subject near and dear to my heart. I was a foster parent. My two amazing children are Read More
This time of year, I like to focus on the things that we can be grateful for. I, for one, am grateful for my family and friends. This year Thanksgiving included a range of ages from my 10-year old son to my Read More
A majority of Idahoans from both political parties value education. We want businesses to flourish and our kids to thrive. Gov. Little is a strong supporter of education, but he’s being hamstrung by far-right legislators, and Idaho remains dead-last in per-capita education Read More