On July 26, 1990, President George Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law. An iconic image from that time shows a group of demonstrators abandoning their wheelchairs and crawling up the steps of the U.S. Capitol. Their actions graphically Read More
With the first week of the 2021 session ending, I’d like to see our “representatives” push to invest in our communities. Perhaps this year, we’ll have more focus on actual issues and less time spent creating harmful policies to remedy made-up problems. Read More
I had intended to use this space to talk about upcoming legislative priorities in the Idaho Legislature. However, I feel that I cannot possibly ignore the events of this week including the unprecedented attack on our nation’s capital in an attempt to Read More
Dear Bryan: In last week’s Bonneville Democrats column, I recommended using a portion of Idaho’s projected record $1.48 billion in unallocated funding, including a $630 million budget surplus, to benefit all Idahoans: investing in public education withering from chronic underfunding, continued funding Read More
It’s Christmas Eve. Do you have beautifully wrapped gifts under your tree, a turkey roasting in the oven with all the fixings and pie, and a parlor game or two in mind? Or are you wondering how you’re going to pay for Read More
Rumors out of Boise suggest that a priority on the Idaho Legislature’s 2021 agenda will be to disallow nonpartisan municipal elections. If true, candidates for city council and mayor in Idaho Falls would have to declare a party affiliation — Democrat, Republican, Read More