When some of our Idaho Republican leaders say they support family values, they try to project a vision of a secure future with a stable and healthy home life. But do their policies really benefit Idaho families? Some of these politicians say Read More
I love Pride Month, and I know many of my fellow LGBT+ community members do, too. June is a time for celebration, love, advocacy, togetherness, and empowerment. While there is so much joy to be had during Pride, there’s one reason why Read More
There isn’t a lot of reaching across the aisle taking place in politics these days. It’s hard when the conversation sometimes doesn’t go anywhere because people identify so deeply with the label Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative. It sets people up Read More
In order to write this, I asked my 12-year-old son to make a list of reasons why youth need to be involved in and lead in politics. We have talks every now and then about current events, politics, and social issues. He Read More
I’m a 90s adult. When I was a kid, I remember when the conversation about public education in the political sphere was almost always about maintaining its quality and securing funding. It wasn’t complicated by the existence of charter schools. It also Read More
With the legislature reconvening soon, it’s hard not to imagine multiple attacks on LGBT+ and reproductive rights. These are items most Idahoans don’t want our legislature to focus on. Instead, regular folks are more likely to be worried about the environment, housing Read More