Last year, an attempt to introduce vouchers to Idaho failed. But, while Idahoans want to see more investment in our public schools, our legislators are at it again. We’ve already seen what happens when school vouchers are introduced in other states like Read More
As we gear up for the legislative session, there are two questions to ask ourselves as we watch the posturing in Boise: I’m active in our community, working with nonprofits and speaking with people intimately connected to some of Idaho’s issues. I Read More
We hear a lot about “freedom” here in Idaho. Certain elements are SO SURE that the big bad federal government will tell them what to do that they pass all sorts of laws designed to tell the rest of us how to Read More
It’s a common refrain. Usually accompanied by someone waving around a book they found only after hunting through the adult section of the library in an attempt to find something “bad.” For folks like this, a restricted library card isn’t enough. They Read More
People often ask why I’m so passionate about state and local politics. The answer is simple: it’s where we, as citizens and community members, have the best chance to make an impact. There’s not a lot I can do to influence what Read More
”However (political parties) may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and Read More