Priorities. It’s always fascinating to look at where our priorities are. When I run workshops about finances, one of the first things I do is have participants think about their values and priorities. When I look at Idaho’s budget “surplus,” it’s clear Read More
Bonneville County has a history of gun violence. In my childhood, in the mid-’90s, it was the shot heard around the county. Three teens had shot and robbed the local Grant store. Around the same timeframe, there were two other incidents involving Read More
It used to be that politics rarely made it into everyday conversation. In fact, it used to be one of those topics “best to avoid” in conversation. However, it seems that there is almost no topic of discussion that does not find Read More
Recently, a coalition of non-partisan organizations has launched a petition to get ranked choice voting on the ballot, allowing the people of Idaho to decide how they want to choose their political leaders and representatives. Despite my position, I’ve never been a Read More
It’s not the two-party system that is broken. There are opportunities, but instead of looking to the party, look to the people. Ideology will continue to evolve, and no political party can say they have all the answers. Without accountability, the framework Read More
Here is the Statement of Purpose for HB 191: “The bill amends relevant procurement statutes to restrict the state from using environmental, social and governance criteria in evaluating contract bids. Contract awards, including for public works projects, must be based on competitive Read More