Can you remember when our government officials cared about the safety of our schools? Two bills working through our Legislature, likely to pass on party lines, seem to me at odds with one another. House Bill 122, sponsored by Iona’s Chad Christensen, Read More
There’s holding elected officials accountable. And then there’s bullying. Holding elected officials accountable is about voting them out in the next election and providing civil communications expressing your opinion. Bullying is trying to recall volunteer elected officials for doing their job thoughtfully. Read More
The 2021 Republican legislative supermajority is working at a dizzying pace on bills that would take power from you, make decisions for you about your health care, decrease tax equity and ignore the priority needs of Idaho families. Senate Bill 1110 would Read More
A bill recently introduced before the Idaho Legislature to greatly restrict Idaho’s citizen initiative process would in reality break a long-standing Idaho tradition allowing voters to directly influence how we govern ourselves. The bill is antidemocratic. On February 17, a record number Read More
On Monday, we celebrate labor. But, on Tuesday, will we respect it? An historical alliance between organized labor and the Democratic Party seeks to protect workers from so-called right to work legislation, policies favoring private contract employment and the mistaken belief that Read More
History shows that Idaho voters can be trusted to decide through the petition process what is right for Idahoans when the Legislature doesn’t act. Reclaim Idaho’s Invest in Idaho petition would give Idaho voters the chance to help stabilize funding for public Read More