People constantly ask me this question: “How do we encourage people to participate?” We have a primary election coming up. In 2022, according to the Idaho Secretary of State’s office, 23.1% of people of voting age turned out. I get why it’s Read More
Here in Idaho, we talk a lot about a “culture of life” and “family values.” But do our actions and policies reflect these lofty ideals? For example, we know from data and research that the best way to prevent abortion is to Read More
One could easily argue that the reason to have a party platform is to have everyone of a similar political persuasion loyally support the same planks and policies. The Bonneville County Republican Party has made headlines trying to enforce their platform to Read More
The end of another legislative session is almost upon us. Our GOP majority has presented a flurry of bills that could not even make it out of committee at the beginning of the session. The work they are doing is an effort Read More
The opportunity to select representatives and elected officials is upon us again. It is essential not to be steered by the many distractions and false narratives that many candidates and third parties will put in front of people. Some are putting effort Read More
E PLURIBUS UNUM is the traditional motto of America familiar to anyone who looks closely at our coins, currency or passport covers. These Latin words, meaning “Out of Many, One,” referred to the unity of our 13 diverse colonies as they fought Read More