I’m a 90s adult. When I was a kid, I remember when the conversation about public education in the political sphere was almost always about maintaining its quality and securing funding. It wasn’t complicated by the existence of charter schools. It also Read More
The Idaho Legislature is doing it again: attempting to bypass parents, school boards and those empowered to keep the peace. If approved, HB 415, allowing staff in public schools to carry concealed firearms, may bring an armed teacher to a school near Read More
We’re a month into the legislative session, and Idaho’s citizens are practically begging our legislators to respect librarians, fund education, and stop trying to change the definitions of words that have actual legal, scientific, and medical meanings. The budgeting approach has been Read More
Each member of the community should lean into their civic responsibility. As the legislative session begins, we know we should keep an eye on our legislators. However, as a community, we should focus not only on the significant issues argued in the Read More
As a mainline Protestant who strongly believes in the separation of church and state, I find alarming the current efforts of right-wing Christians to remove constitutional safeguards against government-imposed religion. Across the nation, Christian nationalists empowered by the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning Read More
Last year, an attempt to introduce vouchers to Idaho failed. But, while Idahoans want to see more investment in our public schools, our legislators are at it again. We’ve already seen what happens when school vouchers are introduced in other states like Read More