The 2023 Congress started with so many promises. A promise to pass a budget, the promise of a productive Congress, and above all a promise that this Congress was going to focus on issues affecting everyday people. I think, from all accounts, Read More
It’s a question on everyone’s mind. It’s an important question and one that affects every American household. And while every elected official is quick to point a finger, no one answers honestly. It’s always easier to place blame than to address the Read More
It’s a common refrain. Usually accompanied by someone waving around a book they found only after hunting through the adult section of the library in an attempt to find something “bad.” For folks like this, a restricted library card isn’t enough. They Read More
It used to be that politics rarely made it into everyday conversation. In fact, it used to be one of those topics “best to avoid” in conversation. However, it seems that there is almost no topic of discussion that does not find Read More
Voting is about having a voice and participating in our representative republic (which falls under the umbrella of a democracy). If even one person does not have an equal voice, how can there be freedom? To be free, every vote matters, and Read More
A child observed mountain climbers rappelling off a cliff near Heise. She laughingly said she wanted to walk off the top. When told that would hurt her, she adamantly shook her head. “Uh uh.” This illustrates polarization. More than 60% of Republicans Read More