Idaho Democratic Party 2016 Presidential Election Caucuses Official Invitation

To All Bonneville County Democrats:   

You are invited to participate in the Idaho Democratic Party 2016 Presidential Election Caucus.  Date and Time: Tuesday, March 22, 2016. Line up at 5:30 pm to register and door closes at 7:00 pm MST.  Place:  Skyline High School Gymnasium, 1767 Blue Sky Dr., Idaho Falls, Idaho.  Purpose:  to elect delegates (mostly likely representing Idaho’s votes for Hillary Clinton and/or Bernie Sanders) from Bonneville County to attend the Idaho State Democratic Party Convention on June 17-19 in Boise, where delegates from Idaho will be elected to attend the National Democratic Party Convention on July 25-28 in Philadelphia, where we will nominate our candidate for President of the U.S.

If you wish to attend the Bonneville County caucus, please log on to for additional information, or contact me, Lary S. Larson, at home or work:

Home:     12699 N. 35th East, Idaho Falls, ID 83401

P.O. Box 51193, Idaho Falls, ID 83405

Phone: 208-522-5436

[email protected]

Work:      Hopkins Roden Crockett Hansen & Hoopes, PLLC

428 Park Avenue, Idaho Falls, ID 83402

Phone:  208-523-4445

[email protected]


If you plan to attend, PLEASE PRE-REGISTER ONLINE as early as possible. On, click on Presidential Process, then click on EventBrite.  You will see a list of all Idaho Counties, and the location of each county caucus (which may still be blank). Under the number of tickets, hit the drop-down button for Bonneville County and select “1”.  Now go to the bottom of the list and click on “Register”. That will call up a window for you to enter your contact information.  Do so, and then click on “Complete Registration”.  You are then pre-registered. Your ticket will be sent to your email address.  PRINT IT AND BRING IT TO THE CAUCUS.  Finally, between March 1 and 22, go back to “Presidential Process”, open the Pledge Form, fill it out and BRING IT TO THE CAUCUS. You can also obtain the Pledge Form on the Bonneville County Dems website.

NEXT:  If you would like to be a voting delegate to the State Convention, you must be elected at the County Caucus. If you would like to be a voting delegate to the National Convention, you must be elected at the State Convention. There are papers to file and steps to take.  To get more information, visit and click on Presidential Process.  Also, you are urged to attend a Delegate Selection Workshop.  Date and Time:  Thursday, January 21, 2016, at 7:00 pm MST.  Place:  Hopkins Roden Law Office, 428 Park Ave., Idaho Falls, Idaho.  Or: contact me for more information.  We especially encourage representatives of our minority communities to attend. RSVP by January 20, if convenient.

FINALLY: We need about 50 volunteers to make the County Caucus run smoothly.  We need set-up help, door greeters and ushers, line attendants, registration checkers, pledge form checkers, ballot counters, security, and a few other things.  If you are available and willing, please contact me.  You may volunteer and still participate in the voting.

SEE YOU THERE!                                   Lary S. Larson, Caucus Chairman

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