People constantly ask me this question: “How do we encourage people to participate?” We have a primary election coming up. In 2022, according to the Idaho Secretary of State’s office, 23.1% of people of voting age turned out. I get why it’s Read More
Here in Idaho, we talk a lot about a “culture of life” and “family values.” But do our actions and policies reflect these lofty ideals? For example, we know from data and research that the best way to prevent abortion is to Read More
We’re excited to announce that this year’s Truman Banquet fundraiser will be at the Westbank! We will have a prime rib and salmon buffet dinner, and vegetarian options, along with a no-host bar with drinks available for purchase. We’re pleased that our Read More
There isn’t a lot of reaching across the aisle taking place in politics these days. It’s hard when the conversation sometimes doesn’t go anywhere because people identify so deeply with the label Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative. It sets people up Read More
Wish you could be more involved with the Bonneville County Democrats? Now’s your chance! On May 28, 2024, we’ll be reorganizing. The newly-elected precinct captains will vote to instate new officers. Here’s the thing: If you want to be an officer, you Read More
One could easily argue that the reason to have a party platform is to have everyone of a similar political persuasion loyally support the same planks and policies. The Bonneville County Republican Party has made headlines trying to enforce their platform to Read More