A. J. Balukoff – My Vision for Idaho

AJBalukoffOctober 14, 2014 – ajforidaho.com – By A.J. Balukoff –

Almost as soon as I announced my candidacy nearly a year ago, people began asking me the same questions over and over again: Why are you running for governor? And how are you going to fix what ails Idaho?

I’ve been a businessman for 40 years, and for 17 years I’ve served as an unpaid member of the Boise School Board of Trustees–in a district that is, by many measures, one of the best not just in Idaho, but in the country. For too many years, I’ve watched with growing concern as our state government’s chronic disinvestment in public schools has devastated communities across the state. I worry about the future facing my grandchildren and all of Idaho’s working families and children.

We cannot build strong communities and an economy that creates good-paying jobs unless we truly commit to making education our state’s top priority, and not just give lip service to that promise. I firmly believe that will not happen until we return accountability and transparency to state government, and to accomplish that, we need to restore balance to government.

I’m running for governor because I love Idaho and I want to see it move forward again–and I believe I know how to get us there. I’ve crafted a more-detailed statement outlining my vision for moving our state from the bottom to the top of the lists measuring educational and economic success.

Would you like to know more? CLICK HERE to read my plan for accomplishing that.

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