The 2024 legislative session might be inching closer to an end, but the bad bills just keep on coming. Unfortunately, some of these bills—many of which are simply bad policies for made-up “problems”—are very similar to what we saw earlier in the Read More
In order to write this, I asked my 12-year-old son to make a list of reasons why youth need to be involved in and lead in politics. We have talks every now and then about current events, politics, and social issues. He Read More
The opportunity to select representatives and elected officials is upon us again. It is essential not to be steered by the many distractions and false narratives that many candidates and third parties will put in front of people. Some are putting effort Read More
E PLURIBUS UNUM is the traditional motto of America familiar to anyone who looks closely at our coins, currency or passport covers. These Latin words, meaning “Out of Many, One,” referred to the unity of our 13 diverse colonies as they fought Read More
I’m a 90s adult. When I was a kid, I remember when the conversation about public education in the political sphere was almost always about maintaining its quality and securing funding. It wasn’t complicated by the existence of charter schools. It also Read More
The Idaho Legislature is doing it again: attempting to bypass parents, school boards and those empowered to keep the peace. If approved, HB 415, allowing staff in public schools to carry concealed firearms, may bring an armed teacher to a school near Read More